Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Clementine's Uncommon Scents by Jocelyne Lebon

I applaud this writer. From the first page, a wonderful magical Bouquet was handed to me and formed magnetism that gently led me within this special world of nostalgia. I felt as if I was within the pages of  Clementine and experienced all that she did. I cried, I laughed and I etched these memories within my own heart and mind just as she did; and they became mine also.
I grew up with Clementine through her memories, I felt the love one felt for her as a young child, felt her loss of him and feared with her over the pup, her special companion and I loved her parents their flaws and uniqueness and felt at home. The scents that she brought to me were scents that some of them, I had smelled before, and yet I had not smelled them as she did. She brought me a new appreciation that today brings her to mind when I pick up an orange. It becomes the sweet tangy citrus as she knew it and brought forth to me.  I adored the family and people she did and wondered at the quirky friend and fell in love, said good bye to a few and often thought back in time as she had. I felt her whole world stop at the lost of her ability. What cursed her, and gave her such struggle in life, was in fact what made her. AND I rejoiced in the end, of it all so expertly put together in the form of words on a page but which came from one’s mind, heart and spirit.
This was a book that I felt no need to race through, but to sit in the evenings with a cup of tea and a blanket and time to simply float within it. It is amazing and brings such emotions we all think we already know and yet it shows us in a new way how to realize that which is around us. This is a book I will read again and again and by far the best book I have read this year.
5 Stars!!!!!

Twist's Tales Vol. l by Michael Twist

This was an amazing book. This style of writing took me back through my years of twilight Zone and outer limits.. only it is of today’s world. I started reading and just could not put it down. The endings take you completely by surprise and yet fit so perfectly. There were some that I wished went on to a longer writing simply because I adore all the characters! The book is filled with several short stories that are filled with a lot of emotion and makes you really look at life and yourself. I cried, smiled, laughed and at times gaped with my mouth dropping open.
I received a digital copy from the author. It is one of those books I read on my kindle but shall buy a printed copy to share and enjoy over and over.
5 Stars!!

1930 Aryl's Divide by M.L. Gardner

This second book was filled with the same magnificent characters as the first book. The author kept the characters well within who they were when I left off at the first book. This book was good and an enjoyable read; that being said I was a little bit disappointed. This book didn’t address the ending of the first book until towards the end, and then it really didn’t give much more than what we got in the first book. My biggest disappointment was waiting over a year for the second book to come out. This book seemed a bit hurried and a lot of repetition from the first book. Very little has changed in their lives except more babies and we said good bye to a few favorite characters. I will read the third book as this series is fascinating and the writer can write one heck of a novel. I am in hopes I won’t have to wait over a year to continue on and that it brings something new to the lives of my favorite characters.
3 Stars

Jonathan's Cross by M.L. Gardner

This book was about more than just the collapse of the stock market and the depression, it was about family. A family that was formed by three couples whose friendship is something very few ever experience. These friends went from privileged and wealthy to bone soup poor. They stood by each other through it all and kept each other a float not only in food and a place to live but emotions and hope for a better future. Society had no use for them as they were not one of them anymore. This historical novel brought me characters I wanted to know in real life, to be a part of their friendship, hardships and blessings. From the beginning to the very last page I was in awe and lived in another world.
I am now reading book two and just as fascinated that my friends live on. The name of the second book is 1930 Book Two, Aryl’s Divide.
5 Stars!!!